Mindfulness Break

2 min readMar 31, 2022

When you think about mindfulness, what comes to your mind? An easy example is when you are eating alone, unbothered because your tongue enjoying the deliciousness of your food. But when was the last time you really enjoy your food?

Today, we demand ourselves to can do multiple works at the same time. With the WFH, even worse. Our work doesn’t separate from lunchtime. Often our laptop is our company when we have a lunch break.

Don’t you think that habit can make us unproductive? For me, being so glued with my phone is draining. I can’t even enjoy music since it relates with phone. When I watch screen for too long, it makes me dull I can’t make healthy decision. I don’t even motivated to drink water.

Unfocused and unable to concentrate clearly makes us easy to be interrupted. The solution is being present. Practice to be mindful.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is not easy to be described. It is like you are asking a fish about the sea. What is a sea? The sea is fish’s birthright as their place to live. Same as human on earth. What is life on earth? We can answer when we taste another life. We only know its meaning when we experience it.

Mindfulness is an act of being conscious. We are aware of the indirect stimulus. We don’t identify ourselves as one of the stimuli. There is no “I”, but is an “It”. Next time you are in a stressful situation, don’t say “I am stress” because you are not the stress. Instead, acknowledge stress is there and as “it”, so you are separate from it.

To experience stress in daily lives and have a hard time relaxing body and calming mind, can put us at high risk of heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.

We can practice mindfulness to help us focus and relax our minds. So how we can practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness with Meditation

Because of the endless pandemic. There is anger and sadness, we lost our loved one, we lost our job, or stressing our work. We try to bypass or escape those hard feelings. We act avoidant instead acknowledge being a witness towards them — that what meditation is.

Meditation is observation. You observe your floating thoughts until you choose what you want to think, then until you are left only with your breathe.

Meditation is asking us to do nothing. How easy that is? When we are doing nothing, we feel ourselves. We feel our surroundings. That what makes us feel alive.

Next time you found yourself in tune with your environment, that is when you are being mindful. Because with mindfulness, life is in the moment. We are not worried. Not in a hurry. We are here with our awareness, sensing our environment. Inside and outside are in alignment.

